Bendy lnk Machine : Nightmare Run下载

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Bendy lnk Machine : Nightmare Run




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Bendy lnk Machine : Nightmare Run下载介绍

想要查找手机版Bendy lnk Machine : Nightmare Run下载安装?PP提供Bendy lnk Machine : Nightmare Run2024版官方下载。
Hello Bendy & the Ink Machine" is the first person puzzle action horror neighbor game that will forever ruin your five nights at bendy childhood love of pixel cartoons.
This Bendy Halloween at Nights creation story, In The Ink machine something has broken into the studio! Say Hello, but not too close to neighbor pixel !
Alice the Angel - Bendy - the Ink Machine is a puzzle horror scary game that makes you feel uneasy at the best of times. Bendy game set for a few scary Chapters by the looks of things in ink machine . 
High-Quality 3D Graphics!
Amazing Sounds!
Smooth and Easy Controls!
Interesting activities!
All you know is that he is scary and secretive. You are commissioned tasks to explore your bendy neighbor house without getting caught. To arise successfully from this Scary Bendy Neighbor 3D, you need to not only survive nights and not to fall into the hands of your angry bendy neighbor. You should also find a few keys that will open any of the exit doors of the guide. To achieve this, try to hold your opponent and use additional time for searching for your way to salvation. Maze and the location of the key change every match, so just learning locations is not enough. Improve your stealth skills, learn to skillfully cope with the environment objects and learn the types of traps that your neighbor will be installed. The only way you can survive nights and get out of this hell.
+ More Bendy
+ Weapons
+ Longer than chapter 1 & 2
- Forced padding
- Lag
- Why the hell can Bendy hear everything at nights but is somehow deaf to Alice talking through the mic to you?
First, you have to enter his house after finding the main entrance, and then perform various mission including stealing coffee mug and his favorite aquarium. Take part in an incredible show Hello bendy with your neighbor. You have to survive bendy neighbor in a dangerous game in which you - the victim. Hide from your friend, and avoid its pitfalls, looking for clues and try to get out of this maze. If you like to test yourself and are not afraid of the dark. Action will take place in the underground labyrinth, oppressive air which will be given due to the excellent 3D graphics of simulator. Feel a sense of fear for all scary five nights! Examine every detail of the complex to find out the secrets of this place and find a way out through special tips. 
in Bendy ink machine you need to solve a couple of puzzle initially. As this is quite a short scary horror game
There are a total of five nights chapters for this game
Bendy seems based on Mickey Mouse and Bimbo the dog,
Boris wolf resembles Goofy pixel.
Alice the Angel is likely based on five Betty Boop,
All the maps in Bendy Game ink machine and chapter are currently fixed, but there are some gameplay elements that are mixed up between each playthrough.
More puzzles and less jumpscares but the ambiance is scary.
interesting, creepy, screamers appear very sharply,

Bendy lnk Machine : Nightmare Run 下载安装说明:

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更新时间:2022/09/19 21:45
APP备案: 未备案



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