Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse下载

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Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse




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Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse下载介绍

想要查找手机版Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse下载安装?PP提供Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse2024版官方下载。
***** Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse *****The Pegasus, otherwise known as the Flying Horse : the fantasy creatures we all love. Many of you asked for it, so here it is. Indeed, you will find it similar to the other clan games like Unicorn, but we tried to include some new monster enemies. The game is fast action animal simulation. In Clan of Flying Horse, you have the opportunity to control your very own horned horse. Race across the vast landscape while surviving against other fantasy creatures like the Cerberus, Unicorn, Giant Horses, the 3 Tailed Wolf, giant Venus fly traps, the Flying Monster, and Dinosaurs. This Pegasus simulator will take you on an epic journey as you use your magic, build your equine clan, defend against enemies that attack, and ultimately defeat all the Super Bosses. Huge open world style game. It is part fantasy adventure and part animal simulation. Top Game Features: ★★ Customize your Horse color ★★ Huge 3D Open World Map ★★ Dynamic weather including snow and rain storms ★★ Caves, Mountains, and Rivers ★★ 4 Magic Spells - Invincibility, Lightning Bolt, Healing, and Fireball ★★ Flying Monsters, Unicorns, Giant Horses, Giant Wolves, Dinosaurs ★★ 6 Ultimate Giant bosses ★★ 4 Enemy Warrior Clans to defeat GAME HINT : When you are near other enemies, call your family members to help you Your quest begins by you finding all the members of your clan. Along the way, you will discover magic spell books that allow you to unlock the special magical spells including: Healing Potion, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Invincibility. Earn adventure points by hunting and doing various tasks to upgrade and purchase magic spells. Locate your horse warriors and use them to defend your territory against other clans. Upgrade your magic powers to have stronger magic ability, become more powerful, and have stronger defense. This is animal simulation like you have never seen it. We combine your favorite fantasy elements with realistic animal simulation. Evolved is a series of games we created at Wild Foot. We would really love to hear from you. Be sure and stop by our Facebook page: for updates. Stay tuned for our new Epic Quest series soon to be released.

Be sure and check out our other 3D animal simulators. We understand that the game is by no means perfect and we welcome your constructive critici. Please email your suggestions. Good luck and happy flying! --Updated some code to optimize for more devices

Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse 下载安装说明:

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回到手机桌面就可以看到已经安装好的最新Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse,点击Clan of Pegasus - Flying HorseAPP图标进入欢迎页就可以开始使用了
开发者详情:Wild Foot Games
更新时间:2022/09/18 16:13
APP备案: 未备案



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