Shoot War:Gun Fire Defense下载

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Shoot War:Gun Fire Defense

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Shoot War:Gun Fire Defense下载介绍

想要查找手机版Shoot War:Gun Fire Defense下载安装?PP提供Shoot War:Gun Fire Defense2024版官方下载。
How to play: Game control convenient, slide the left half of the screen to control walking, the right half of the screen to adjust the direction of the slide. Enemy's goal is to capture the island。You, as a soldier to protect the island, you need to stop the attack from the water, land and air enemies. The enemy has a strong firepower, not only land soldiers, as well as amphibious tanks and aircraft support. Therefore, the game offers a variety of weapons and equipment for players to use, including: Bomb, MP7A1, Elite, AW50, AS50, AWP, Bazooka, M134, M4A1. You can click on the "switch weapons button" to switch your weapons. Click the "grenade button" can be directly switched grenades. You can get gold award in the game by kill enemies,and use the gold to buy weapons and ammunition which you want in the store. During the game, you can shoot the medical bag hanging from a parachute to get supplies. Different levels of difficulty is not the same, it will become increasingly difficult, so are you ready for it?

Shoot War:Gun Fire Defense2.3 下载安装说明:

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开发者详情:WAWOO Studio
更新时间:2016/02/11 10:39
APP备案: 未备案




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