在机场的飞机女主人 - 空服员下载

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在机场的飞机女主人 - 空服员



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在机场的飞机女主人 - 空服员下载介绍

想要查找手机版在机场的飞机女主人 - 空服员下载安装?PP提供在机场的飞机女主人 - 空服员2024版官方下载。
Airplane Hostess at Airport is free airport simulation and airport managers game for girls and kids. There are different roles of girls at airport from plane cleaning, passenger check in , air hostess serving passengers and being shopkeeper at airport. Be the flight attendants stewardess in a famous airlines at airport. kids and families are going on vacation holidays towards different countries visit, you have to give them best airlines services to impress from your job responsibilities. Be the stewardess hostess, airline stewardess , cabin crew, skycap and cabin attendants girls in this free airport games for girls. You have to perform as a passengers waitress, navigator, airman, flier, astronaut, paratrooper, aeroplanist and airline stewardess as well. Let’s hand this plane from departure to landing. Treat very well with your guest passengers. School girls are curious to be a professional airline hostess at airport.
You have to greeting passengers as they board the plane and thanking them as they exit. Help passengers in getting their seating and stow their luggage in overhead pins. Air hostess are giving presentation about airline safety procedures. Facilitate the passengers with lot of beverages and food services. Flight attendants are able to navigate the new places alone. They are away from their families during long trips. The primary role of flights attendants is to provide excellent customer services. Air hostess also known as flight stewardess or flight attendant is one of the most demanding professions these days. Flight attendants enjoy the luxury of travelling around the world. Air hostess is important crew or airlines. It is free airport manager game for school girls.
Air hostess job duties may include:
- They guarantees safety for passengers & inform flight rules & regulations
- Before fly, pilot meets his attendants or crew for briefing over flight plan
- Air hostess confirm the emergency tolls and first aid kits etc
- They check some supplies like pillows, blanket, beverages or headphones etc
- Air hostess provide refreshments and reading material during flight
- Air girls should mentally and physically well to handle emergency situations
- Assist in cleaning the cabin between flights & customer service hospitality
- Knowing additional languages and airline industry experience
How to check in at airport?
- Confirm your airlines and flight
- Pack all of your travelling documents
- Arrive earlier for boarding cards and security checking
- Find your airline
- Check your luggage bags
- Print your boarding pass
- Take off your outerwear
- Remove your laptop
- Remove any liquid or gels
- Find your gate
- Take a seat in plane
In this aeroplane airline hostess airport manager game, flight attendants should help passengers to have stamp on passports by immigration officers. Immigration officers at airport should be loving and caring for passengers. Ask your flight attendants to switch off the mobile before fly. Flight attendants should carry out they suitcases.Girls can enjoy cabin crew staff duty fun airport games with friends and family. Flight is ready to fly so clean and manage the aircraft as a flight manager in this airport game. Be the helicopter navigation manager and give amazing services to every passenger in plane. High school girls can be the next professional aircraft air hostess,cabin crew,astronaut, flier, airman,waitress, navigator or airline stewardess in top airlines.

在机场的飞机女主人 - 空服员 下载安装说明:

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更新时间:2022/09/19 07:15
APP备案: 未备案


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