Camper Van Truck Simulator下载

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Camper Van Truck Simulator




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Camper Van Truck Simulator下载介绍

想要查找手机版Camper Van Truck Simulator下载安装?PP提供Camper Van Truck Simulator2024版官方下载。
It’s vacation time and it's time to get real! Quick - hop into your camper van, ready your caravan, polish your minibus and prepare for a racing and parking event full of sun and joy! Now updated with 5 new cars and 25 new missions!
▶ BEAUTIFUL OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT - eye-catching, sunny locales
▶ 15 UNIQUE CARS (5 brand new!) - each providing a different driving experience!
▶ REALISTIC TRAFFIC - be careful not to crush the massive vehicle you’re driving
▶ PRO MISSIONS TO COMPLETE - huge campaign to beat, earn in-game money for your progress
Get out of your house and begin the greatest motorsport adventure. Discover 5 new brand new cars in the latest update and take them for a spin in 25 new, exciting missions!
Camper Van Beach Resort features multiple different cars, each of them suited for a weekend getaway as well as the long-term camping. Race them, park them, get to know them in realistic racing environments! Can you drive them around with speed, style and precision required? If you want to earn your time in the sun you will have to give it your best! Race against the clock, complete precision parking missions and do everything in your power not to crash!
Time may be of the essence, but sometimes it's a better idea to watch your speed and focus on obstacles and traffic - they may turn out to be the real problem!
From campers, through caravans and minibuses to a boat trailer, the game features a wide selection of different cars. Each one poses different challenges and has to be handled with care and precision. They're carefully modelled to resemble real cars as closely as possible! Learn to drive all of them!
Most of the time the narrow passages and roadside obstacles will be the only obstacles you’ll be facing. But the game also features other cars that have to be taken into account. Remember – you’re driving a massive vehicle. You don’t want to crash it! Especially since you're racing against the clock. Getting the perfect time is important, but it's more important to get to the end in one piece! Don't overdo it with speed!
Drive around crowded campsites, avoiding tents and leftover equipment. Behold the magnificent view of the beach as you pass through tight, vertigo-inducing oceanside routes. The game features beautiful sunny spots which make driving around a true pleasure.
The Main Game Mode is 100% FREE to play, all the way through, no strings attached! Extra Game Modes which alter the rules slightly to make the game easier are available through optional In-App Purchases. Each mode has separate leaderboards to make for totally fair competition!
The game is optimised to run on a wide variety of devices, old and new.

Camper Van Truck Simulator 下载安装说明:

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回到手机桌面就可以看到已经安装好的最新Camper Van Truck Simulator,点击Camper Van Truck SimulatorAPP图标进入欢迎页就可以开始使用了
开发者详情:Play With Games
更新时间:2022/09/18 13:13
APP备案: 未备案



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