Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen下载

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Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen




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Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen下载介绍

想要查找手机版Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen下载安装?PP提供Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen2024版官方下载。
The time-limited summer festival pack with 80% discount is now available!
1. Recommended by Google Play in many countries
2. More than 50 million players world-wide
Designed focusing on dressing up, with high image quality and interesting game-play. Bringing stereoscopic gaming experience to you.
Interesting story-line
The protagonist Nikki will embark on a magical journey across seven nations with different designing styles, and develop various stories with designers and stylists from these seven countries. With nearly 300,000 words'dialogues and descriptions, the plot is comparable to that of a novel!
Tens of thousands gorgeous outfits
Daily fashion, European style, antique beauty, dream-like fairy tales, neutral handsome, futuristic sci-fi…Almost all dressing styles are covered. Players can collect new outfits and enrich their own closets by completing in-game tasks every day. Supported by a fantastic artists' team, we consistently add new outfits on a monthly basis, making sure that the game keeps up with new trends.
Hundreds of different styles for free design
In our free design mode, players can freely style and design outfits, hairstyles, makeup, accessories and even change the backgrounds and layouts based on their own preferences.
Personally tailored
By collecting different colored dyes, players can freely change the color of their clothing. By collecting outfits patterns and decomposing redundant outfits, players can personally customize clothes and upgrade simple clothing into more elegant and fashionable outfits.
Designer dress up battle
Players can compete and battle against designers from all over the world under different dress up themes.
More than ten different 'abilities' can be used in dress up battles. Use your 'abilities' at the right moment to turn the tide!
Playing with your friends
Players can play the game with their Facebook friends. You can also make new friends by joining in various in-game activities.
Facebook Fan-page
Follow us - Love Nikki - on Facebook and you can regularly receive free game benefits. There're also many interesting online and offline activities on a daily basis waiting for your participation.
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Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen 下载安装说明:

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更新时间:2022/09/18 17:13
APP备案: 未备案
相关推荐:Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen安卓版下载


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