Sally's Salon - Beauty Secrets下载

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Sally's Salon - Beauty Secrets



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Sally's Salon - Beauty Secrets下载介绍

想要查找手机版Sally's Salon - Beauty Secrets下载安装?PP提供Sally's Salon - Beauty Secrets2024版官方下载。
Looking for a new hairdo? Want to get your nails done? Need some special make up? There's no better place in Snuggford than Sally’s Salon! It's unlikely, but in case you haven't heard of me... I'm beautician Sally! I'm on a mission to beautify women across the globe - all while searching for my long lost love. Doesn't that sound exciting? Join me and the hilarious François on this unforgettable journey! ️ ✂️ BECOME AN AMAZING BEAUTICIAN and learn from the best (me!) during this hair-raising adventure ✂️ PLAY 60 TIME MANAGEMENT LEVELS, and 18 extra bonus levels, as we run unique salons across 6 exotic chapters ✂️ HELP ME PERFORM BEAUTY TREATMENTS as we search for my long lost love, the famous singer Julio (He's so cute!) ✂️ DISCOVER 12 MINI-GAMES and improve your beautician skills as we cut hair, apply face masks and match make up ✂️ MEET FRANCOIS, MY RIGHT-HAND MAN - funny, clumsy, and you all know him from the Delicious Emily hit series ✂️ IMPROVE OUR SALONS so we get special upgrades and products ✂️ ENJOY MANY GUEST APPEARANCES from stars of the other GameHouse Original Stories (I do everyone's hair!) ✂️ COLLECT ALL THE TROPHIES to discover special beauty items, and earn all the diamonds and I'll share my memories of Julio I'm back!!!! Business is booming and I need an extra pair of hands! François and I could use your help making the town a little more beautiful, one treatment at a time. Especially now some breaking news has left me bursting with excitement!! You won't believe this, but it turns out my favorite singer and long-time crush Julio ‍ will be performing his farewell concert near Snuggford! As one of his biggest fans, I couldn't be more thrilled. But there's more. Can I let you in on a big secret? What nobody knows is that Julio and I had a summer romance 20 years ago! (shhh...) But I'm afraid it might be too good to be true. Just now that I'm convinced we'd be able to rekindle our romance... Disaster strikes! Julio's plane ✈️ seems to be missing on its way to the concert. But I'm not giving up! I'm determined to find him, so François and I are going to set off on an incredible search! But not without you! Right? Right? Fix your hair up pretty, put some make up on, pack your nicest dress, and join us on our hair-curling time management adventure! Try the first few levels for free! The full complement of levels can be unlocked with an in-app purchase. Follow François and me on Facebook: Sally: François: Enjoy more GameHouse Original Stories, and try other games: Heart's Medicine - Hospital Heat: Heart's Medicine - Time to Heal: Delicious - Emily's Message in a Bottle: Delicious - Emily's Hopes and Fears: Fabulous - Angela's High School Reunion: Fabulous - Angela's Fashion Fever: Dr. Cares - Pet Rescue 911: Mary le Chef - Cooking Passion:

Sally's Salon - Beauty Secrets 下载安装说明:

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更新时间:2022/09/18 16:10
APP备案: 未备案




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