School Girls House Cleaning Games游戏简介
Welcome to the School Girls House Cleaning Game!Show your house cleaning skills and be an expert house cleaner in this cleaning game for Girls. House Cleaning is girls habit they can do it better as compare to boys. Work like a house planner and organizer in this cleaning app. Prince and princess need a beautiful house on rent, as they want to spend some time together. So, clean bedroom, washroom and kitchen to make your house beautiful and attractive for beautiful couple. You have very short time, make your cleaning services more efficient and start cleaning your house. First, go to the bedroom to clean messy room, place all things on their places and repair all broken items. Use all cleaning tools to clean messy bedroom. Place all clothes in the cupboard, place pillows on the bed and use vacuum to clean all dust from the room. After cleaning bedroom, it is time to clean washroom. Close all taps to stop water flow, make it neat and clean by using all cleaning tools like soap, sponge, brush, boom, washing powder and vacuum . Do not forget to use insect killer. After cleaning washroom, use air freshener for good ell. This cleaning game for girls is one of the best cleaning game for girls and boys. You can fulfill your cleaning fever by plying this “School girl’s house cleaning games”. Now it is time to clean cooking room. Kitchen is too messy and needs your attention. It is full with dirty dishes. Clean and wash all dirty dishes and place them into the cupboard. Repair all broken items for reuse. You will also work as laundry girl to clean and wash dirty clothes. So, dress up like cleaning service girl and get the fun job started.
九游APP | 版本: | 更新时间:2024-12-05 |
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