罗马 战争 LLL: 升起 帝国 的 罗马下载

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罗马 战争 LLL: 升起 帝国 的 罗马




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罗马 战争 LLL: 升起 帝国 的 罗马下载介绍

想要查找手机版罗马 战争 LLL: 升起 帝国 的 罗马下载安装?PP提供罗马 战争 LLL: 升起 帝国 的 罗马2024版官方下载。
Conquer and Set up Roman Republic for permanent bases, take control on Italy, and lead your republic warriors to be empire of Rome. You will be enjoying this real time medieval war strategy game.
You are elected as the leader of an army wing near Rome, Command your armies and take control of a all city 'Rome' and there you will establish a commission and roman city republic. In real time strategy and planning game, as a supreme commander this is the just beginning of your warrior fairytale. In this combat roman war game you have to lead the people of your area, city and govt. commission to conquest against the enemy’swarriors of the Republic of Rome. At the start of game you will fight with swords against enemy Capua, Pompeii city, and Veii states. Later you need fight with a tribe and stop the invasion of Gaul Tribes. Take part in leading role of war and make the establishment of the Republic possible.
Command as a legend and fight bravely, Win the Sword of Glory from the Royale King.
After conquer this area you have to fight against a middle italic country 'Samnites' and conquest with heavy number of army soldiers in this roman action war. Attack, kill and defeat The Samnite Republic, and get control of central Italy.
Now you will battle against region and the kingdom of Epirus. The king of Epirus circa (Pyrrhus) will arrive at middle italic to stop the progress of Roman state Republic upon the call of rival city states.Deploy your armies in such a way that they can defend incoming army attack.
You will fight very heavily action and adventure war against King Pyrrhus. In these 2 battles huge number of soldiers killed, blood will flow on the roman earth. These wars will know as Pyrrhic wars. When the battle starts, always Stick to the war and become the royal survivor of your castle and Kingdom.
Warriors don’t take break. They only rest under the shadows of arrows and swords.Here you go; the war will be start again! You will attack and conquer on northern Italy with 3rd war. Its real time medieval and strategy war game where you will attack on enemy castle and destroy before they destroy your castle.
This is an ancient and fantasy. When both armies clash to each other, always deploy some catapults around the castle to defend the sudden attack. To fight man to man and to establish a new empire is required courage, strong purpose and of course effective strategy.
On your call, your army men will strike on the enemy Castle. Launch your warriors wisely so that they can defend and fight well. In such Strategy games you have to plan for Defense and fight battle both at same time.
Roman War lll: Rising Empire of Rome Features:
- Establish a range of warrior skills to seal your big victory
- Multiple and very challenging sword war levels
- Warrior with sword, shield, archer, horse sword warrior, old tanks
- Realistic soldiers animation like a real warrior soldier
- Real roman war feelings blood, murder, fight for victory
- Attack with heavy army forces to destroy enemy king tomb
- Play offline and online on wifi and mobile network
- Available free on the play store
- Great and stunning HD graphics and 3D environments
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更新时间:2022/09/18 23:12
APP备案: 未备案


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